About Me
I’m a native Clevelander, raised in a western suburb. I left the city for graduate school and taught history at the college level, but returned to my hometown a few years ago after being gone for 8 years. The pull to return to Cleveland is real! Today, I live in a west side neighborhood and work for a nonprofit on the east side. Thus…the best of both worlds.
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Politics, public policy, sports, and food are four facets of life that intrigue me the most. I’m a progressive, though I don’t hate Republicans out of blind loyalty. I yearn to see America move in a more progressive direction, but especially want to see the city of Cleveland’s economic, educational, and political life improve, in any way possible. This site is for all those who like Cleveland but want to see it achieve more. As far as sports goes, the Browns are only 4th on my list, making me something of an anomaly amongst the city’s sports fans.