It seems fashionable these days to formulate views and opinions based on that which we don’t like, instead of that which we do. This is especially true in …
These are not necessarily the only questions one in a position of power should take into consideration. Concerns about morality and common sense must always be in the …
As Women’s History Month draws to a close, I thought I might (somewhat hesitantly) dip my toes into the discussion of feminism. Surely there are some who will …
This is not a scientific study whose results were compiled by sweaty men poring over data in a dimly lit room. This is a hopefully thoughtful look at …
A self-absorbed, quasi-billionaire “developer” from New York would’ve flipped his shit on Twitter and probably actually typed the word shit, since his Twitter typing is shall we say…not …
Recently, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake said members of his party should stand up to Donald Trump’s lies. But, who is left in Congress to do so? During the …
About five years ago I returned to Cleveland after 8.5 years in central Missouri. I worked downtown for a few years and I noticed that most, if not …
Apparently, Republicans are going to feature Hillary Clinton in their marketing strategy this year. Pointing out Hillary Clinton’s deficiencies has remained a cottage industry for a quarter century. …
Why is Cleveland something of a mess today? Who do we blame? For many, the natural instinct is to point the finger at our elected leaders. Personally, I …