Let me say at the outset, there is nothing in the all-pervasive sports world I want to see more than an Indians World Series championship. Ok, that’s done. …
The past few weeks have have been confusing, frustrating, and even infuriating to anyone who calls themselves a Cleveland Indians fan. Here is a rundown of what the …
Now that we’ve made it past the All-Star break, and the worst four days for sports fans throughout the calendar year, we can take a look at how …
Tuesday night’s game was as frustrating and genuinely embarrassing as any regular season game I can remember in my decades of Indians fan-ship. Not only did our closer …
I’ve long exclaimed that the Browns receive way too large a share of the city’s time and attention. And not just when it comes to the Cleveland sports …
With the news that Lebron James is going to L.A., I was horrified to see the number of Clevelanders who had words of thanks and praise for Lebron. …
Anytime you sweep a team, you’re going to be happy. But for some reason, the Indians 3-game sweep of the Tigers this weekend seemed like something bigger. For …
That old saying that you can rest when you’re dead is mostly counterproductive. The body needs it. But, for world class athletes, there is truth in the old …
It’s been intriguing this year to hear more and more people outside the 216 (or 330 or 440) start admitting that LeBron James might just be the best …